The Ultimate Guide to Referencing Input in Output of the Same Rule in Snakemake
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The Ultimate Guide to Referencing Input in Output of the Same Rule in Snakemake

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Snakemake is an incredible workflow management system that allows you to create complex pipelines for data analysis. One of the most powerful features of Snakemake is its ability to reference input files in the output of the same rule. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Snakemake and explore the ways to reference input in output of the same rule.

What is Snakemake?

Snakemake is a Python-based workflow management system that allows you to create reproducible and scalable workflows for data analysis. It’s designed to simplify the workflow creation process, making it easier to manage and execute complex pipelines. Snakemake is widely used in various fields, including bioinformatics, genomics, and data science.

The Problem: Referencing Input in Output of the Same Rule

Imagine you have a Snakemake rule that takes an input file, processes it, and produces an output file. But, what if you want to reference the input file in the output file name? For example, if your input file is `input.txt`, you might want your output file to be `input.processed.txt`. This is where referencing input in output of the same rule comes into play.

The Solution: Using Wildcards

Snakemake provides a powerful feature called wildcards, which allows you to reference input files in the output file name. Wildcards are special characters that can be used in the input and output file names to create a dynamic naming convention.

rule process_file:
        "some_command {input} > {output}"

In the above example, the `{filename}` wildcard is used to reference the input file name. When the rule is executed, Snakemake will replace `{filename}` with the actual input file name, resulting in an output file named `input.processed.txt`.

Using Wildcards with Multiple Inputs

What if your rule takes multiple input files? How do you reference each input file in the output file name? Snakemake provides a solution for this as well.

rule process_files:
        "input1.txt", "input2.txt"
        "some_command {input} > {output}"

In this example, the `{filename[0]}` and `{filename[1]}` wildcards are used to reference the input file names. When the rule is executed, Snakemake will replace `{filename[0]}` with the first input file name (`input1.txt`) and `{filename[1]}` with the second input file name (`input2.txt`). The resulting output file name will be `input1.processed.input2.txt`.

Using Wildcards with Dictionary Inputs

Sometimes, you might need to reference input files using a dictionary. Snakemake provides a way to do this using the `dict` function.

rule process_files:
        dict(input1="input1.txt", input2="input2.txt")
        "some_command {input} > {output}"

In this example, the `dict` function is used to create a dictionary of input files. The `{input1}` and `{input2}` wildcards are then used to reference the input file names. When the rule is executed, Snakemake will replace `{input1}` with the value of `input1` in the dictionary (`input1.txt`) and `{input2}` with the value of `input2` in the dictionary (`input2.txt`). The resulting output file name will be `input1.processed.input2.txt`.

Best Practices for Referencing Input in Output of the Same Rule

Now that you know how to reference input in output of the same rule, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use descriptive wildcards**: Use meaningful wildcard names to make your code easier to read and understand.
  • Keep it simple**: Avoid using complex wildcard patterns that can make your code harder to maintain.
  • Use dictionaries for complex inputs**: If you have multiple input files with different names, use dictionaries to simplify the wildcard pattern.
  • Test your wildcards**: Always test your wildcards with different input files to ensure they work as expected.


Referencing input in output of the same rule is a powerful feature in Snakemake that can simplify your workflow creation process. By using wildcards, you can create dynamic naming conventions that make your code more flexible and easier to maintain. Remember to follow the best practices outlined in this article to get the most out of Snakemake.

Frequently Asked Questions

Snakemake provides an extensive documentation, but sometimes you might still have questions. Here are some frequently asked questions about referencing input in output of the same rule:

Q: Can I use wildcards in multiple output files? A: Yes, you can use wildcards in multiple output files. Snakemake will apply the wildcard pattern to each output file individually.
Q: Can I use wildcards in input files with different extensions? A: Yes, you can use wildcards in input files with different extensions. Snakemake will automatically detect the file extension and apply the wildcard pattern accordingly.
Q: Can I use wildcards in output files with different directories? A: Yes, you can use wildcards in output files with different directories. Snakemake will automatically create the directory structure for you.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to referencing input in output of the same rule in Snakemake. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of Snakemake workflows in no time!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Snakemake, how to reference input in output of the same rule” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Snakemake and how to reference input in output of the same rule.

How do I reference input files in the output of the same rule in Snakemake?

In Snakemake, you can reference input files in the output of the same rule using the {input} wildcard. For example, if you have an input file `input.txt` and you want to reference it in the output of the same rule, you can use `{input}` in the `output:` section of your rule.

Can I use input files as templates to generate output files in Snakemake?

Yes, you can use input files as templates to generate output files in Snakemake. You can use the `template` function in the `output:` section of your rule to reference the input file and generate the output file. For example, `output: “output.txt” template “{input}”`.

How do I reference multiple input files in the output of the same rule in Snakemake?

If you have multiple input files and you want to reference them in the output of the same rule, you can use the `{input}` wildcard with the `expand` function. For example, if you have input files `input1.txt`, `input2.txt`, and `input3.txt`, you can use `output: expand(“output_{i}.txt”, i=range(3))` to reference them in the output.

Can I use conditional statements to reference input files in the output of the same rule in Snakemake?

Yes, you can use conditional statements to reference input files in the output of the same rule in Snakemake. For example, if you want to reference an input file only if it exists, you can use a conditional statement like `output: “output.txt” if input.exists else “default.txt”`.

What happens if I reference an input file that does not exist in the output of the same rule in Snakemake?

If you reference an input file that does not exist in the output of the same rule in Snakemake, the rule will fail with an error. Snakemake will not generate the output file and will report an error message indicating that the input file does not exist.