The Mysterious Case of openpyxl delete_rows: Uncovering the Truth Behind Incomplete Row Deletion
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The Mysterious Case of openpyxl delete_rows: Uncovering the Truth Behind Incomplete Row Deletion

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Are you an avid user of openpyxl, the popular Python library for working with Excel files? Have you ever encountered an issue where the delete_rows method doesn’t completely remove rows, leaving behind a trail of mysterious blank rows? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to unravel the enigma surrounding delete_rows and discover the hidden culprit behind this peculiar behavior.

The Suspect: Row Height

After meticulous investigation, we’ve narrowed down the prime suspect to row height. Yes, you read that right – row height! It appears that when row height is set, delete_rows struggles to completely remove the rows, leaving behind a residue of empty rows. But why is that?

Row height, by default, is set to a value of 12.75 (in Excel 2007 and later versions). However, when you manually adjust the row height to a custom value, it creates an implicit row definition. This implicit definition is stored in the Excel file’s internal structure, which is not affected by the delete_rows method.

The consequence? Even after calling delete_rows, the row height definition remains, effectively creating blank rows that seem to defy deletion. It’s as if the row height is anchoring the row to the spreadsheet, refusing to let it disappear completely!

The Investigation Continues: Reproducing the Issue

To better understand this phenomenon, let’s create a simple scenario to demonstrate the issue:

import openpyxl

# Create a new Excel file
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
ws =

# Set row height for row 2 to 20
ws.row_dimensions[2].height = 20

# Add some data to the row
ws['A2'] = 'Row 2 data'

# Attempt to delete row 2

# Save the file and inspect the result'example.xlsx')

After running this code, you’ll notice that the resulting Excel file still has a blank row 2, despite calling delete_rows. The row height definition is still present, causing the row to linger.

The Solution: A Two-Pronged Approach

Now that we’ve identified the root cause, it’s time to devise a solution. To completely remove rows when row height is set, we’ll employ a two-pronged approach:


First, we’ll use the delete_rows method to remove the row:


Next, we’ll reset the row height to its default value (12.75) to eliminate the implicit row definition:

ws.row_dimensions[2].height = None

By combining these two steps, we can successfully delete the row, leaving no trace of the row height definition:

import openpyxl

# Create a new Excel file
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
ws =

# Set row height for row 2 to 20
ws.row_dimensions[2].height = 20

# Add some data to the row
ws['A2'] = 'Row 2 data'

# Delete row 2 and reset row height
ws.row_dimensions[2].height = None

# Save the file and inspect the result'example.xlsx')
Before After

The resulting Excel file will now have the row completely deleted, without any residue!


In this article, we’ve unraveled the mystery behind openpyxl’s delete_rows method not completely removing rows when row height is set. By understanding the intricacies of row height and its implicit definitions, we’ve developed a two-pronged approach to successfully delete rows, leaving no trace of the row height definition.

Remember, when working with openpyxl and Excel files, it’s essential to consider the underlying structures and definitions that can affect the behavior of methods like delete_rows. By being aware of these nuances, you’ll become a master of Excel automation and manipulation using Python!

Bonus Tip: Avoiding Pitfalls with delete_rows

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when using delete_rows:

  • Be cautious when deleting rows with merged cells, as it can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • When deleting multiple rows, consider using a loop to iterate over the range, rather than calling delete_rows multiple times.
  • Remember to adjust any formulas or references that may be affected by the deleted rows.

By following these best practices and understanding the intricacies of row height, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex Excel automation tasks with confidence!

Happy coding, and may your Excel files be forever spotless!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about “openpyxl delete_rows doesn’t completely remove rows if row height is set”!

Why does openpyxl’s delete_rows method not completely remove rows when row height is set?

When you set a row height in openpyxl, it creates a `` element in the Excel file. However, when you use the `delete_rows` method, it only removes the `` elements but leaves the `` elements intact. This is why it appears that the rows are not completely removed.

How can I completely remove rows with openpyxl when row height is set?

To completely remove rows, you need to delete the `` elements manually after calling the `delete_rows` method. You can do this by iterating over the rows and deleting the corresponding `` elements.

Is there a workaround to avoid this issue with openpyxl?

Yes, you can avoid this issue by not setting row heights explicitly when creating the Excel file. Instead, let openpyxl handle the row heights automatically. This way, when you delete rows, openpyxl will take care of removing the corresponding `` elements.

Can I use openpyxl’s optimize_dimensions method to fix this issue?

Yes, calling the `optimize_dimensions` method after deleting rows can help remove the orphaned `` elements. However, this method may not always work as expected, especially if you have complex Excel files with multiple worksheets.

Are there any openpyxl alternatives that don’t have this issue?

Yes, there are alternative Python libraries like xlsxwriter and xlwings that don’t have this issue with row heights. However, keep in mind that these libraries have their own set of features and limitations, so you may need to evaluate them based on your specific use case.