ASP.NET Core Blazor API: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing FromQuery Always Returning Null
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ASP.NET Core Blazor API: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing FromQuery Always Returning Null

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why the FromQuery attribute in your ASP.NET Core Blazor API is always returning null? Well, breathe a sigh of relief because you’ve stumbled upon the right article! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of Blazor APIs, exploring the reasons behind this frustrating issue and providing step-by-step solutions to get you back on track.

Understanding the FromQuery Attribute

The FromQuery attribute is a powerful tool in ASP.NET Core Blazor APIs, allowing you to bind query string parameters to controller action method parameters. It’s a convenient way to pass data from the client-side to the server-side, making it a crucial component in building robust APIs. However, when things go wrong, and FromQuery starts returning null, it can be a real puzzle to solve.

Why is FromQuery Always Returning Null?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the common reasons why FromQuery might be returning null:

  • Incorrect attribute usage: Misusing the FromQuery attribute can lead to null values. Make sure you’re applying it correctly to the controller action method parameter.
  • Query string formatting issues: Malformed query strings can cause FromQuery to return null. Verify that your query string is properly formatted and encoded.
  • Route configuration problems: Issues with route configuration can prevent FromQuery from working correctly. Check your route templates and ensure they’re correctly configured.
  • Model binding issues: Model binding problems can also cause FromQuery to return null. Ensure that your model is correctly defined and bound to the controller action method.

Solutions to Fix FromQuery Always Returning Null

Now that we’ve identified the common causes, let’s explore the solutions to fix FromQuery always returning null:

Solution 1: Correctly Use the FromQuery Attribute

Make sure you’re applying the FromQuery attribute correctly to the controller action method parameter:

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetValues([FromQuery] string searchText)
        // Use the searchText parameter
        return Ok(searchText);

In this example, the `searchText` parameter is decorated with the FromQuery attribute, indicating that it should be bound to a query string parameter.

Solution 2: Verify Query String Formatting

Ensure that your query string is properly formatted and encoded:

In this example, the query string parameter `searchText` is encoded using URL encoding, which is essential for FromQuery to work correctly.

Solution 3: Configure Route Templates Correctly

Check your route templates and ensure they’re correctly configured:

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetValues(string searchText)
        // Use the searchText parameter
        return Ok(searchText);

In this example, the route template is defined with a `{searchText}` parameter, which allows FromQuery to bind the query string parameter correctly.

Solution 4: Define Correct Model Binding

Ensure that your model is correctly defined and bound to the controller action method:

public class SearchModel
    public string SearchText { get; set; }

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetValues([FromQuery] SearchModel searchModel)
        // Use the searchModel parameter
        return Ok(searchModel.SearchText);

In this example, the `SearchModel` class is defined with a `SearchText` property, which is bound to the query string parameter using the FromQuery attribute.

Troubleshooting Tips

When debugging your ASP.NET Core Blazor API, here are some additional troubleshooting tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use Postman or a similar tool: Test your API using a tool like Postman to verify that the query string parameter is being sent correctly.
  2. Check the network traffic: Inspect the network traffic using the browser’s developer tools or a tool like Fiddler to ensure the query string parameter is being sent.
  3. Verify model binding: Check the model binding process to ensure that the query string parameter is being correctly bound to the controller action method.
  4. Check for typos and case sensitivity: Verify that there are no typos or case sensitivity issues in your query string parameter names.


In conclusion, the FromQuery attribute in ASP.NET Core Blazor APIs can be a powerful tool for binding query string parameters to controller action method parameters. However, when things go wrong, it can be frustrating to troubleshoot. By following the solutions and troubleshooting tips outlined in this article, you should be able to fix the issue of FromQuery always returning null and get your API back on track.

Solution Description
Solution 1: Correctly Use the FromQuery Attribute Apply the FromQuery attribute correctly to the controller action method parameter.
Solution 2: Verify Query String Formatting Ensure that your query string is properly formatted and encoded.
Solution 3: Configure Route Templates Correctly Check your route templates and ensure they’re correctly configured.
Solution 4: Define Correct Model Binding Ensure that your model is correctly defined and bound to the controller action method.

Remember, a well-designed API is crucial for building robust and scalable applications. By following best practices and troubleshooting common issues, you can ensure that your ASP.NET Core Blazor API is reliable and efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on ASP.NET Core Blazor API and put an end to those pesky null values!

Why does FromQuery always return null when I try to get query parameters in ASP.NET Core Blazor API?

This might happen if you haven’t added the `[FromQuery]` attribute to the parameter in your API method. Make sure to decorate the parameter with `[FromQuery]` and voilĂ ! You should start receiving those query parameters in no time.

I’ve added [FromQuery] to my parameter, but it still returns null. What could be the issue?

Double-check if the query parameter name in your API method matches the one in your HTTP request. ASP.NET Core Blazor API is case-sensitive, so make sure the names match exactly. If they don’t, it’ll return null.

Can I use FromQuery to get complex objects from the query string?

Nope! `FromQuery` only supports simple types like strings, ints, and bools. If you need to get complex objects from the query string, you’ll need to create a custom model binder or use a third-party library.

How do I handle default values for FromQuery parameters in ASP.NET Core Blazor API?

You can specify default values for your `FromQuery` parameters using the `defaultValue` attribute. For example, `[FromQuery(defaultValue: ” foo”)] string myParam { get; set; }`. This way, if the query parameter is missing or null, it’ll default to “foo”. Neat, right?

Can I use FromQuery with other attributes like FromBody or FromHeader?

No, you can’t use `FromQuery` with `FromBody` or `FromHeader` on the same parameter. Each attribute has its own binding source, and you can only use one per parameter. If you need to get data from multiple sources, create separate parameters for each.

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